1 Report You must log in or register to reply here. 3 Dance Macabre 24. 30 I was not able to generate any female heirs neither with the normal heir mechanic nor with the console command nor with the new introduce heir mechanic. It's crazy, and if you look at the way the MTTH for it works, it means being semi-old and heirless is actually a really good thing. 3. Type the name of an event or an event key into the text box below to instantly search our database 1,590 events. No matter how many times I click the button, EU4 generates an endless parade of Lothairs, Charles, Louis', and Louis-Josephes with nary a girl in sight. Some other heir events would work in the same way 2. I have tried at least 40+ times to introduce a female heir but it seems 18th century Lotharingia is very much a sausage party. 2 The $DYNASTY$s 23. The event adds 3 to each category so it rolls 2d4+1 rather than 2d4-2. Share: Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr WhatsApp Share Link Female heir : r/eu4 by Detering15 Female heir How to get a female heir? I trying to get a Marie of Lotharingia, and event was end and I get Marie, but as Burgundy, now every 50 prestige I refresh heir, but maybe there is an alternative way? This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 2 4 comments 6 comments Best grotaclas2 • 2 yr. 2 comments. 3 The $DYNASTY$s 24 Event chain: Fear and Loathing 24. Alas, EU4 seems to have other ideas. Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: Rome Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 As the title says, anyone knows what's the id for an heir is born? Report W Workiwork Second Lieutenant Feb 17, 2022 129 300 Jan 6, 2023 #2 mouse over the little id in the corner of the events. 10 Eliza Lucas 2 Id 11–20 2. 1. com]. That the heir it spawns will be 13 makes it even better because you aren't risking a long regency. That the heir it spawns will be 13 makes it even better because you aren't risking a long regency. I have tried at least 40+ times to introduce a female heir but it seems 18th century Lotharingia is very much a sausage party. Use 'kill_heir' first then use 'event 9469' when you have no legal heir. This heir can be named if you have the El Dorado DLC or the The Cossacks expansion. Find below a list of all event IDs in EU4. paradoxwikis. But in 1. Talented and Ambitious Daughter is insane. 7 Germaine de Staël 1. ago. 1 Queen Elizabeth I 1. My ruler doesnt have an heir at 71 and I got the talented and ambitious daughter event, much to my joy. The event adds 3 to each category so it rolls 2d4+1 rather than 2d4-2. Event Type. ago A female heir is difficult in the current version, because you can only seem get them from events. There is a bug somewhere which causes the normal heir mechanics to only produce male heirs (at least for Castile) Those are events added by the free Women in History DLC: [1] Contents 1 Id 1–10 1. It's crazy, and if you look at the way the MTTH for it works, it means being semi-old and heirless is actually a really good thing. Best. 4 Maria Theresa 1. 29 even the console command generates female heirs in the ratio which you describe. 19 Starlight 20 Newborn Daughter 21 Talented and Ambitious Daughter 22 The Ruler's Daughter 23 Event chain: The $DYNASTY$s 23. 1 Isabella of Castile I think female heirs are currently bugged and you can only get them from events. Alright, first some context. Name. Talented and Ambitious Daughter is insane. 1 Fear and Loathing in $PROVINCENAME$ 24. Event ID. In 1. 1 The $DYNASTY$s 23. I don't think the heir is replaced, he goes into the queue <3. Talented and Ambitious daughter event ID. HOI4 Event IDs Victoria 2 Event IDs. 30 I was not able to generate any female heirs neither with the normal heir mechanic nor with the console command nor with the new introduce heir mechanic. . 2 Queen Catherine II the Great 1. 6 Queen Christina of Sweden 1. You could try to disinherit your heir when your ruler is old to get the event Talented and Ambitious Daughter [eu4. 5 Roxelana - Hurrem Sultan 1. 9 Aphra Behn 1. KubinOnReddit • 7 yr. 1021. ago. 4 Our Monarch Dies 25 Event chain: Wedding Bells EU4 Event IDs. 8 Mary Wollstonecraft 1. 2 The Discovery 24. In 1. But in 1. Alas, EU4 seems to have other ideas. [deleted] • 7 yr. No matter how many times I click the button, EU4 generates an endless parade of Lothairs, Charles, Louis', and Louis-Josephes with nary a girl in sight. 3 Kösem Sultan 1. American Quest For Independence. I'm playing as Prussia, am the emperor of the HRE, and have Spain in a PU. 29 even the console command generates female heirs in the ratio which you describe.